My mum and dad used to live on Coppice Avenue, 25 or 15, they had a terrible haunting experience
Coppice Avenue
via Facebook
Hi, me and my wife have seen black shadowy figures in our house, also heard someone walking across our landing and stopped outside the bedroom door, but no one was there,
On more than one occasion, my wife saw a dark shadowy figure yesterday in the dining room but no one was in the house,
One incident sticks in our minds, the youngest daughter was singing in her bedroom, and when she stopped the singing carried on? it really shook her up
Wood Street,
via Facebook
My mum lived there when she moved to Ilkeston, in the 60s the room in the attic eventually got boarded up because of ghostly figures on the stairs, witnessed by a few people
13 Park Road
via Facebook
The big house at Park Road crossroads of Park Drive, Park Avenue
Park Road
via Facebook
The flat above Granby Motors had lots of activity. Dogs, objects disappearing then reappearing months later in empty drawers, and an interactive fairy that spoke to me, touched my head regularly, and jumped all over my bed and inside it when I was reading in bed.
Park Road
D Jones via Facebook
Numerous reports relating to two houses with a sad history (Murder and Massacre) - Both apparitions of a boy, dark demonic and strong black figure. Feelings and noises.
Burr Lane and East Street
Various People via Facebook
I used to live in the flat above the Cafe on Station Street across from Dewdrop and Armstrong Mills some very strange happenings in there. Lots of activity.
Station Street -
J Peel via Facebook
Family Terrorised in the home by the ghost
A family on Coppice Avenue Ilkeston has been afraid to go into their Kitchen and bedrooms alone due to a Mischievous spirit.
Activities include Phantom doorbell and knock on the door, doors held back or shut, voices and cries, moving objects and shadowy figures
Coppice Avenue Ilkeston
via Forum
I lived in the house opposite Jacksons, it had been converted to flats and town house, never really saw anything but my son used to laugh. "At that man" when he was in the bath! Dominic n Smith lived there before and they left due to wired happenings
Market Street
H Balchin via Facebook
100% haunted. Siobhan Kayleigh Cunningham
so we used to live at 105 mill street. When we moved in I was pregnant with my son. We had a camera monitor for his bedroom, so we could see him. When we moved him into the back bedroom after redecorating we started seeing what looked … See More
Mill Street
via Forum
As I know Blake st is haunted especially number 6
Blake Street
H Higgs
There has been some activity on Jackson Avenue
Jackson Avenue
D Cummings
Spooky newly built Houses reporting strange unexplained activity - A couple from Hull lived in this property when it was first built and moved out within 2 weeks.
Pemberton Way
via Facebook
I remember talking to a lady by the name of 'Cundy' who lives at the top of Wirksworth Road in Kirk Hallam. (I do believe that she still lives there) She had experiences with Monks, passing through her bedroom !! When she looked into it she found that her house had been built on a path which led to the Abbey at Dale Village !!
This is not the first sighting, many people have seen monks along the whole stretch of Monks Way
Wirksworth Road in Kirk Hallam -
M Russell Bannister Facebook
Hi, I would like to add an experience that I had when I was 18/19.
I rented a house on Little Hallam Lane in Ilkeston, which is still there. When I first moved in, nothing unusual happened. However, after around 9 months, I started to have out of body experiences during my sleep which I remember with clarity. To make a long story short, I started to have encounters with a dark entity (black mass) and this started to happen virtually every night and scared me to death.
The last straw was the night I went to bed and felt I needed some protection, so put a bible to my chest when I went to bed. After about 15 minutes, the lights in my bedroom started to flicker and finally went off. I quickly got up to check out the window to see if there was a power cut and noticed that the street lights were still on and some house lights were still on.
It was then that a banging noise started somewhere in the house and that was it. I got dressed and ran outside and walked to a friend's house not returning until the morning. I soon moved out of the house.
Since I have moved, I have noticed that many people have rented the property, but do not seem to stay more than a year. A couple of years ago the property became vacant again, so I arranged a viewing with the letting agent and got a medium to go back in with me.
What the medium picked up was a man upstairs in the middle bedroom that he described as evil. The medium actually stated he had never come across such an evil soul. Without me saying anything about my experience, the medium also stated that he shows himself as a black mass and that he sensed that this man had murdered in the past. I would love to get in touch with other people who have rented the property to see if or what experiences they have had.
Little Hallam Lane
Prayers at Ghost House (1986)
Two clergymen have said prayers at the home of an Ilkeston Disabled woman who claims she is being haunted by a playful spirit.
She's afraid to go into her main bedroom alone at her home on Ebenezer Street as the specter of an elderly man appears at her bed
Other strange spooky going on include Horses brass and ornaments being scattered on the living room floor Bathroom mirror moving from sink to floor Lights going on and off and cutlery being spread out on the kitchen floor
Ebenezer Street
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