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Posted on January 3, 2015 by ilkestononlineuk

Investigating Paranormal Activity at Ilkeston's Scala Cinema

Source - Various

In 2014 an investigation was done at Scala, the results where better than expected.

A Summary of Scala Investigation
Report by Twilight Paranormal who did the investigation. (Via Facebook)

A mind-blowing experience at the Scala cinema. Aug 2014.
Twilight Paranormal investigated the overwhelming reports of unexplained activity.

“When I worked there , I felt very uneasy in the men’s toilets , I did my job and got out quick , I was talking to some old timers who worked there years ago , the lady told me when she lit the gas lamps she felt someone’s hand on her back and dark shadows were seen ”
window nightmare scary
D Reeve
"One of our team heard something inside the women’s toilets and startled her to the point she got up from her seat and moved quickly. No-one else heard it at the time, but it was captured on audio. Sounds like the internal door in the toilets squeaking. It also happened at the end of the night as we were packing up, but at that point we had stopped recording and so was not captured. ”
window nightmare scary
Twilight Paranormal

Update 2023

Notable Investigations and Findings

Scala Cinema Entrance ParanormalThere were lots of activity in various places, notably on the balcony and down the right-hand side of the lower section.

  • • Brilliant table-tipping session,

  • • Some glass work and Ouija board sessions proved to be successful,

  • • REM-pod went off, K-II responses in places,

  • • Lots of tapped responses to questions, various audio phenomena including movement from between the seats, whispering, and sighs.

  • • Various shadows were seen moving about

  • • Cameras refused to function properly.

Our mediums had a hard time passing over a particularly negative male spirit, who refused to give any information about himself.

Some information linked to a known name associated with the cinema came through on the Ouija board,

We did get a spirit claiming to be a projectionist from 1913 (when the cinema opened) come through, he was apparently just going about his usual business, because he came and went a couple of times. When we asked him if the film had finished and he’d gone to change it, we got a positive response.

A few shadows were seen around the left-hand side exit at the start, but later on most of the focus seemed to be on the right-hand side where most people have reported some kind of activity. We did table-tipping at a specific spot about halfway down the right side, as I’d been getting K-II activity all night around that area. Proved to be some of the best table-tipping footage we’ve ever captured.

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